Saturday, October 12, 2024

An abandoned Cabin at the Cisco, TX zoo

The zoo in Cisco, TX that was active in the 1920s-1930s had several cabins on the property that could be rented for people to spend time in the country near the zoo exhibits.  The cabins were small, usually one or two small bedrooms, living room, bathroom and a kitchen.  The structures are still standing, but they are empty and windowless and trashed.
One can only imagine what it was like in its hey-day.

Another animal enclosure
This is one of the animal enclosures in the abandoned zoo in Cisco, TX.  

Abandoned Animal enclosure

In Cisco, TX there's an abandoned zoo.  It was active in the 1920s-1930s.  As primitive as it seems now, it was state of the art at the time.  It closed because of several suspicious animal deaths within the zoo.
Now there's about a mile of walking trail through what once was the zoo grounds and you can see the remnants of the enclosures and some of the fencing.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Empty Building

This looks like a pretty interesting building, and even though it seems to be abandoned, there's a chalk drawing on one side and one of the overhead doors on the end is open, so there must be some kind of business--auto repair, machine shop or something of that sort.  
It seems weird that the main part of the building has been vacant and boarded up for years, but there's a business of some sort in one part.  

Train Wheel

There's a small park in downtown Cisco, TX, and there's an old train car that the kids can climb on and get into.  I've taken photos of this train car before, but today I was trying to get something different from my previous images.  This isn't too exciting, but it kind of tells a story.  

Fire Escape

An apartment building on the main street of  downtown Cisco, TX. On the back side of the building is this huge, easily navigated fire escape.  

Tilted Silo

Cisco, Tx.  
I always wonder what this silo is doing in the middle of the sidewalk.  There are also the car barriers but I've never seen a car parked there.  
Just a curiosity.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Railway Cars Converging.

I saw these rail cars downtown where there are many rail cars that look like they've been abandoned.  There are no locomotives or cabooses, so it's tricky to get a creative image of these ordinary looking cars, but I thought this was interesting.  It looks like they'll run into each other if they both go in the same direction.  Not an award winning image, just something to think about.

Railway Spike

I saw this while walking around downtown where there are many railroad cars that look like they've been abandoned.

Coffee Shop at Night

The other night some friends and I attended a meeting and afterward we decided to go to the coffee shop to visit with each other.  I got there first and discovered that 1) all the tables were taken and 2) it was open mic night and that meant we probably wouldn't be able to have any kind of a comfortable conversation.
But...for the first time in many months, the weather was beautiful and perfect for sitting outside.  It's been a very long time since I sat outside and it was glorious.
Sometimes it's the very smallest of pleasures that are the most meaningful.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Words on a Wall

This is a sign inside one of the downtown parking garages.  The entire message is "Parking.  Violators will be Towed"
The garage was partially remodeled a couple of years ago but some of the walls were left like this.  

Window Shadows

This is seen inside one of the downtown garages.
I'm always surprised at the images I can find downtown if I'm in the right mood.  I've taken photos in downtown Abilene more times than I can count, but if I look for details I can almost always find something I haven't seen before, or that is a little different than what was there "last" time. 

Jug Behind Glass

I'm not sure what this building is, but I never walked past these windows before until tonight while I was waiting for my photo meeting to begin.  I love the way the jug looks behind the textured glass within the small windowpane.  

Monday, September 23, 2024

Shadow on the Wall

It was dusk and the setting sun cast these shadows on the wall through the blinds.   I just thought it looked so interesting.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Back Yard Gate

I just love the look of this rustic back yard gate with the vines growing on it.  


Aqua Door

While walking around today, I saw this pretty aqua door with the wreath.  It was late in the day so there was a lot of contrast between the shadows and the sunlight, but I love the archway of the front porch, the color of the door and the pretty welcoming wreath.

Pretty Green House

I see this house every time I go to my grandkid's Ju Jitsu lessons.  I got there a little early today, so I grabbed the camera and took a few images.
I love the color of this house and it looks like it would be real sweet inside, but I'll probably never get the chance to see it personally.

My heart is grateful that:
the weather has been so nice lately

Fall Decorations

It's just the third week of Sept and still in the mid-90s here, but this house is ready for Fall.  I can't say I blame them, I'm looking forward to cooler weather.  I'm just not ready to put out the fall decorations.

My heart is happy that:
it's a little cooler and that the grass is green again

Monday, September 16, 2024

Ferris Wheel and MerryGoRound

Seen at the West Texas Fair and Rodeo~~an annual event located just outside Abilene, Texas.