Thursday, July 25, 2024

Rural Workplace

Seen in a small town in central Texas.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Spinning Flower

Another piece of yard decor. 

Musical Yard Decor

I've driven past this house so many times.  Today I finally walked past it with my camera and was able to get a photo of this interesting piece of yard decor.  
Maybe the people in the house love music or are musicians.

Lavender Front Door

I passed this house with this beautiful front door.  

Abandoned? garage

Walked down a street I haven't been on before while waiting for the grandkid's lesson to begin.
This was a garage once upon a time.  
It probably contains random forgotten items now.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The Whooten

Once upon a time this was a motel.  Now it's an apartment building.  It's one of the tallest buildings in town and it's pretty beautiful.


The topic for my photo group competition last week was graffiti.  Somehow I managed to miss this wall in downtown Abilene.  I found plenty of murals. Murals didn't count for the competition.
I guess I just didn't look hard enough.

Words on the Wall of a Parking Garage

Not much more to say about the image.  Each spot in the parking garage is marked with

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Stone Marker

This is one of the three markers indicating the site of the Belle Plaine College that existed in the late 1800s just a short distance down the road.

The marker says there were up to 300 students enrolled.  Difficult to imagine.

Bell Plain College

I googled small towns in the area this morning.  I found one called Bell Plain.  There were a few photos, and it isn't too far from Abilene, so after the grandkids had their lesson, I took the drive.  

My GPS led me to a very out of the way road~~I actually thought I might start hearing banjoes, but that didn't happen.  My destination was a curve in a dirt road that had three stone markers about the town and college that used to be there.  Just a little further down the road was the ruin of Bell Plain College.  Sadly I couldn't get closer because of the barbed wire fence along the road.

Small Town Gas Station

While waiting for my pizza in Baird, Texas, I walked past this gas station.  There were signs on the pumps declaring them out of order and it looked like the building was closed too.


On my way home from taking photos in a very backwater non-existent town, I stopped to get pizza at one of the best pizza places in the area.  While waiting, I walked around with my camera and saw this clump of weeds.  I'm always amazed that weeds can and do grow anywhere.  They poke through cement and gravel and they not only grow, but they thrive.

Probably a good lesson for us Christians.  Grow everywhere and thrive. 
I'll have to remember that.

Urban House

I met my daughter at the location for the grandkid's lesson today but I got there early so I grabbed my camera and walked a block or two down the street.  I saw this sweet house. I couldn't resist taking a photo of it.  It looks so comfortable and homey.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Baby Blanket

I love to crochet and knit and edit photos, so while I watch TV (usually too much) I try to do one of those things.  I just finished this baby blanket about an hour ago.  There are no babies on the horizon so it will go into my stash for the next new arrival.  
I have another baby project to get started on, but it will take hours and hours and hours (I've already made that project about 6 times). I have a granddaughter getting married in Sept, so I'll make it in anticipation of her first baby which I hope won't be for a while.

My heart is happy that:
I was able to work today and earn a few $$

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pothos Rooting in Water

I'm not a gardener.  I've tried it and I don't enjoy it.  But I love houseplants and usually have good luck with whatever I grow indoors.  This is a Pothos that I'm rooting in water.
You can leave it in water indefinitely, which is what I think I'll do with these cuttings.  I have another group in water in another part of the living room.
I should probably invest in a different kind of houseplant just for variety.
I'll have to look around and see what I can find.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Hanging Baby Clothes

I was at my daughter's the other day and was changing her 1-year old.  It's been a while since I've been in that room, so this was the first time I saw this sweet site.  
My daughter is a little more creative than I am, so I was really impressed with this decor.
I only had my cell phone with me so the quality isn't great. 
I just love this.

My heart is grateful that:
my kids are more creative than I am