Friday, January 03, 2025

Retro Typewriter

When I was in high school I took a steno/typing class.  Even though I was tracking to go to college, I decided to fill in my empty spots with these courses.  I LOVED typing and my parents gave me my first typewriter for Christmas.  It wasn't this one, but I've loved these machines ever since.
After I relocated to Texas I spent some years looking in the antique shops to see if I could find a typewriter for a decent price and in decent condition.  About a year ago I came across this one.
It was $19.95 and it had a carrying case with it.
I couldn't resist, so I bought it.  I need to get a new ribbon for it, otherwise it's in perfect condition.

I didn't do much today.  Played pickle-ball all morning, then to the grocery store~~I still can't believe the price of groceries!!!
Then home where I haven't done one constructive thing all day.  Oh well.

Three photos down, 362 to go.  
 I feel like Julie in "Julia and Julie" when Julie decided to work her way through the Julia Childs cookbook, blogging about how she's doing.
I need to find a list of photo subjects to keep me going. 

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Rustic Steps at the State Park

I took a drive to the state park about ½ hour from here.  It's really not a very exciting park, but there were a lot of people wandering the trails and a lot of campers, probably because it was a holiday and the weather was so beautiful.  I love these stairs, but one can only make just so many images of them.  I've made one or two images in the summer when things are more green, but it still doesn't look much different.
At least it was some outdoor exercise and it was great to be walking through a forested-looking area rather than the track around the gym at the Y.

Wednesday, January 01, 2025


I remember reading the book "1984" in 1964 and thinking 
1) those things could never happen and
2) 1984 was a long way away
I was so, so wrong on both counts.

Little did I know that 2025 would be here in a blink of an eye.  

One photo down for my photo a day.  Only 364 more to go.