Market Fair
Market Fair usually takes place at Johnson Hall. This year it was held at the Mabee Farm on Rt. 5s. It was a glorious day, and the Mabee Farm was a wonderful venue for this event.

these are wonderful linda.
you are definitely in your groove.
hard to pick a favorite .the first and last are definitely at the top of the list.
i also love the boat !
great job.
SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!! (Bridget just beat me to the punch). These are all wonderful, Linda! I love your attention to details and your ability to capture uncluttered images. Can't choose a favorite...they are all keepers! :-)
lookining again,i also really lovr the tired soldier!
I was gonna say that...Bridget stop beating us all. I love the tired solider and the boat on the river. What a day for the Market Fair. HOpe you had fun!
amazing Linda I too thought the tired soldier and the boat were exceptionally moving... Jean
I I like the gums firing and the Red Coat captian..Like your post in Hawaii for the Scottish Day you isolate the particiapnts
im space and time
I wish I was there. Seems like a great event. i love going to these kind of festivals. You get to see the entertainments & learn a bit of history. Great photos!
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