In an effort to get things in order and and to finish up all those little jobs that I keep putting off--so that I can leave for my trip on Wed. with a clear conscience, I spent the day paying bills, writing notes, looking up information and cleaning. Really--literally the entire day. Every once in a while the thought would occur to me, "you mean it's a holiday today? You mean I should be out somewhere having a barbq with friends/family, and I'm sitting here paying bills?"
Well, it might have taken all day, but there sure is a sense of satisfaction when it's all done. At least for about 25 more days, when it will then start all over again.

Good for you! It doesn't take long for all of those "little" things to pile up and it seems to take forever to catch up!
I hope you have a great trip and you can make up for labor day by enjoying yourself thoroughly!
Gee, if I had known you were doing that, I would have given you mine!
Have an amazing, peaceful and safe trip..can't wait to see the photos.
ditto on the above comments...i especially enjoyed trish'
yes, enjoy yourself, we're expecting great pic's and you wouldn't disappoint us! :)
Wow .... climb Mt Marcy then off to Italy before this Hawaii Is that what I am supposed to be doing at 62?
what a life!!!!!!!
bon voyage!!!
bring us some beautiful photos!
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