Sunday, May 12, 2013

Another Random Day

One of my last days in Hawaii was was just a random day spent traveling around with a couple of good photo friends, taking random photos.  We traveled up the leeward side of the island first, stopping whenever we saw something that piqued our interest.  

This first image was taken at a marina. I thought these boats looked interesting because they are so grungy but still hanging out at the marina, almost like they're waiting for their last hurrah.

As I've mentioned before, I love taking photos through fences.  This was a little more fence that I normally like, but I thought I'd try it anyway.  I kind of like it.

We never did see the rider of this bike, but I thought it made a nice contrast to the boats and water.

We took some side roads, you know, "the road not taken", and came across this sweet country church.

Traveling up to the North Shore, one of the ladies suggested we pull into Waimea Valley to see if we could see the peacocks that roam wild in the reception area.  When we first arrived, there were none to be seen, and then much to our pleasure we saw one.  He dawdled around, laid on the ground, preened himself and basically ignored us and the others hovering around to take photos.

After a few minutes the other people got bored and left, and it was just the three of us.  And then the show began!!  He spread out his feathers, and honest to goodness, it was like he was on the runway of a fashion show.  He stood there, then would turn a little and stand still, then turn some more and stand still.  He must have done 3-4 rotations in slow motion.  We got closer and closer, sat down, then laid on the grass, and still he performed for us. 

And then....the day I left.  So sad heartbreaking, really.  


trishalyn said...

Gorgeous, amazing, awesome, BEAUTIFUL photos!!! I'm sure going to miss these Hawaii-based inspirational images. Now it's time to work on that book! :-)

Wendy said...

pretty pictures- as always. <3 ya.

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous Linda - great last hoorah and fun day!! I am not sure which photo I like best - must say I love the church and the airline images. Aloha dear friend.

Alice said...

Great photos as usual- love the stories behind each- my Fav was the peacock and his performance! :o)