I belong to a bookgroup. I joined when I was pregnant with Leah. She is 25 now. The bookgroup started 5 years before that, and there are some people still in bookgroup that were there when it began. Wow!
We tried to get Oprah's attention about the longevity of our group (really). I guess she wasn't impressed. But 30 years is a looong time, dontcha think?
So here's the game plan. (it's probably not much different than the majority of bookgroups, of which there are more than likely a gazillion in existance) Right now there are about 9 of us. The number has fluctuated over the years, but we seem to be doing well with 9 right now. We work on a rotation. Each month the next person announces what book we need to read and we meet at her place the following month. There's food, always, and liquid refreshments of various kinds.
We seem to be gradually changing from serving an array of appetizers to an actual sit-down meal first with just light snacks during the discussion, and, of course, dessert after the discussion. But it's up to each hostess to "do her thing". We're never disappointed!
We really do discuss the book--many of the husbands think we just get together to talk, and some feel threatened because they think we spend the evening man-bashing. Not so!
We only have two rules:
1)the person who chooses the book has to have read it already, and
2)no men allowed.
Anyway, Sept. is my turn. Next Friday to be exact. I chose "The Picture of Dorian Gray". I read it when I was in high school and remember loving it. Then I read it again a few years ago. It's been on my list of books to choose for bookgroup for many years, but it seems like I always choose something else. This time I determined to choose it. Everyone seemed pleased.

I'm always on the lookout for more potential titles. What are you reading now and how do you like it?
I'm struggling with A Clockwork Orange...I don't suggest that one!
I haven't read anything new this summer, can you believe it? Too busy! But I'm finishing up Three cups of tea and that's a great read!
sorry, i'm not into reading, except magazines or cookbooks, newspapers
just never sparked my interest
I just started "Bygones" by LaVyrle Spencer, but it seems awfully familiar...I'm sure I read it years ago!
I liked your picture of Dorian Gray (ha...ha...get it?) but I don't remember particularly liking that book when I read it in school.
P.S. Congrats on your Book Club...I think that is fantastic!!!
what is wrong with oprah?
i am blown away by the longevity of your book club.
how the books and get togethers must intertwine with all your lives.
of course i can't think of a single book to recommend and i read like a fiend.
i will get back to you:)
Oscar WIld was sort of a funny guy,as I remember ..
Started Dr Zhivago and finished 1984 again, and Brave New World...1984 was alarming. In the end they got Winston but I was struck by the fact that his tormenters had to use the MOST extreme techniques to break him..Says something about BB but also the courage of the human spirit
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