Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Baby Blanket

I love to crochet and knit and edit photos, so while I watch TV (usually too much) I try to do one of those things.  I just finished this baby blanket about an hour ago.  There are no babies on the horizon so it will go into my stash for the next new arrival.  
I have another baby project to get started on, but it will take hours and hours and hours (I've already made that project about 6 times). I have a granddaughter getting married in Sept, so I'll make it in anticipation of her first baby which I hope won't be for a while.

My heart is happy that:
I was able to work today and earn a few $$


Donna said...

This is Very beautiful! It's been ages since I've pulled my needle out...

HappyK said...

That is so pretty. I always have a few knitting projects going. I keep them all separate in different baskets.