Saturday, July 20, 2024

Bell Plain College

I googled small towns in the area this morning.  I found one called Bell Plain.  There were a few photos, and it isn't too far from Abilene, so after the grandkids had their lesson, I took the drive.  

My GPS led me to a very out of the way road~~I actually thought I might start hearing banjoes, but that didn't happen.  My destination was a curve in a dirt road that had three stone markers about the town and college that used to be there.  Just a little further down the road was the ruin of Bell Plain College.  Sadly I couldn't get closer because of the barbed wire fence along the road.


Mari said...

There is a haunting beauty in this type of scene. I always wonder who lived here, how many children played around this building... I really like this.

Linda said...

Thank you Mari. The "marker" indicates that it was part of a college building back in the day. But I have the same thoughts you do when I see ruins like this.