Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Structure at Pioneer Park

This log cabin structure is located within the gates of Pioneer Park in Fairbanks, Alaska. 
It's currently shuttered during the winter, but is still an imposing building.
I liked the red sign on the otherwise brown building.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Grace Museum Advertisements

There's a museum in downtown Abilene, Texas called The Grace.  It's a wonderful little museum and there's a playroom for the littles on the top floor that's quite impressive.
Outside and behind the building is this wall of advertising and to the left there's a parking area for guests.
I just thought this was really good looking so one day I made several images.  I like the others I took, but this is the one you get to see.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Backyard Sauna

Seen in the backyard of a home in the hills just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska on a cold winter's day.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Lone Tree

My photo club assigned topic for Jan was Lone Tree.  It was difficult to find a "lone" tree that looked interesting, so I just scrapped the topic and entered other photos.
The Jan meeting was canceled for some reason that didn't make sense to me and rescheduled for another month, so I guess I have another chance to enter that topic.  While walking around downtown Fairbanks, I saw this tree, and others, that were separated enough from other foliage to fit the topic.  
I thought this tree looked beautiful, so I tried to capture it, but there are still buildings and cars showing.
Really......it's just a snow covered fir tree, nothing special so I'm not sure I'll enter it.
I just think it's pretty against the gorgeous blue sky on a cold winter day.

Chasing Aurora

There was an incredible display of the Aurora lights last night.  My camera was acting funny so I missed some really good images, but I'm happy with what I got.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Unknown First Family Sculpture

This beautiful sculpture of a native unknown first family is located in 
the Golden Heart Plaza park in downtown Fairbanks, Alaska.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Museum of the North~~University of Alaska, Fairbanks

This beautiful building is the Museum of the North at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks.  It's a gorgeous building and I've taken many photos of it in various seasons.  The large bricks are intended to mimic bricks that an igloo is made of.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

A Hand Up

This sculpture is located in a park in downtown Fairbanks, Alaska.  A Hand Up is a tribute to Walter Harper, a 20 year old Athabascan who was the first person to reach the peak of Denali, the highest peak in North America in 1913.
He's seen offering his hand to help others reach the peak.
The sculpture was created by Gary Lee Price.

Full Moon

I noticed this full moon surrounded by snow covered tress and a bare birch tree.  I made this image with my phone camera.  It looks ok as a small image, but enlarging it shows that it was a substandard camera and not my SLR.  It's still a pretty scene.