Saturday, September 24, 2022


The Local FireHouse

So it's almost the end of September and this is only my 8th post of the year.  Whaaat???

Fact is I just don't have any inspiration and I don't feel like I have much to say and I don't have any followers. So I basically just forget about the blog.  But once in a while I remember and then feel stupid for forgetting and not posting. 

Several years ago some friends and I made a pact to post a pic a day.  We did that for a couple of years, then we decided one pic a week would work and then we just decided to call it quits.  It's been difficult to keep this going with no motivation.  I actually now have a collection of images I can post, so maybe I'll remember and can post for a couple of weeks almost every day.

Anyway, here's my image for today.  I might just get up to 10 for the year, hahaha.

I made this one today.  I was walking around town in an area I don't usually walk around in and I came across the local fire department.  I started out by just photographing the outside of the building, then I walked around back.  The doors were open, I told them I was taking pics and they invited me in and let me shoot to my heart's content.  

Kudos to these guys.  These first-responders, paid or volunteers, are amazing.  I promised I'd send them some of the images.