Saturday, May 3, 2008

A week from tomorrow, May 11, is Mother's Day. New York's capital city, Albany, conducts a tulip festival every year on Mother's Day weekend. They plant thousands of tulips in Washington Park and other small areas in the city of Albany. During the festival there are vendors, performances, speeches, and the crowning of the Tulip Queen. It's quite a big deal. I've only managed to attend the festival once--as mentioned in a previous blog, I'm usually busy on the Sat. of the festival, and then I just don't bother going on Sunday.
But the year I went, I was very impressed at all they had going on there. It was a very pleasant way to spend the day.
Yesterday I planned on going to Washington Park to photograph the flowers. It was gray and dreary, but really the best light to have to photograph flowers. A little brightness would have been an added bonus, but sometimes you have to work with what you have and make the best of it.

I'm always surprised at the varieties of tulips at the park. In my limited knowledge of all things that bloom, I thought a tulip was a tulip, you know, the traditional tulip you seen in flower shops.
The city of Albany is very faithful about keeping the flowers looking good. They replace any that punk out before the festival, and then after the festival they sell the bulbs--I'm not sure to whom, but what a great idea to recoup some of the money they spend to plant the flowers in the first place.

After finishing at Washington Park, I thought I'd head over to the "Mall", as in outdoor area. Well, all the parking spots required quarters--I only had one on me, and it was 12 minutes per quarter. I didn't think that would be enough time to mosey around, so I wound up going to the Riverwalk area. No inspiration there, so after walking around for a while, I just got in the car and headed home.
Mahalo for looking and Aloha for now.