Sign at Zoo
This afternoon my daughter/grandkids and I went to the Cisco Zoo for an outing. The weather was beautiful (maybe a little warm). The Zoo was in operation between 1920-1930 so now there's just walking trails and the remains of animal enclosures along with several abandoned cabins that were rented to people wanting to stay on the grounds of the zoo property.
We spent time walking the trails on the property at the opposite end from where the animal enclosures are. Obviously, there's a Balancing Rock nearby. I got a laugh out of the sign.
The kiddos had a great time and they were very sad when we said it was time to leave.
haha...someone didn't plan ahead when making that sign :)
:) Poor planning on the sign but it works:)
Granny Marigold and Far Side of Fifty: the more I look at the sign, the more I think it was done like that on purpose. But I guess I'll never know.
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