Many of my fb "friends" have taken the opportunity to post one thing they're thankful for each day during November. It's really wonderful to see what they post and even though the goal is to be "thankful" every day of the year, I get why they choose to do it publicly during the month of November, since it's the month during which Thanksgiving occurs.
I've never participated in the growing tradition--not because I'm not thankful, but because I'm lazy. But I've been convicted and instead of boring everyone on fb with 30 days of "thanks" at once, I decided to make it my blog post.
So this is kind of long, but I did not elaborate on most of the entries, so I think it's pretty easy to read through.
These are not in any order of significance or importance except for the first one, which is always uppermost in my mind--so much so that I often don't think I need to express it. Then I remember that other people need to know where I'm coming from. The rest are just "thanks" as they pop into my head and at any given time might be more or less important according to what's happening in my life.
So here goes---I am thankful for:
1) God in heaven who chose me before the creation of the world to become His child
2) a warm house
3) a great church family
4) all of my awesome friends
5) my 5 wonderful children
6) my 4 exceptional grandchildren (I think they take after me, hahaha)

7) my husband who maintains the house and cars and can fix anything that doesn't run away from him first
8) the food in my fridge and cupboards
9) my computer
10) my camera and all the fun I have taking photos
11) my photo buddies
12) living in a rural area where crime and fear are at a minimum
13) having the blessing of going to Hawaii every winter
14) having just spent a month in Thailand working with a missionary organization
15) my health and the health of my family
16) the fact that all of my family is working
17) my daughter and son being such good parents and raising such exceptional children--see #6
18) God loving me no matter how I mess up
19) the clothes in our closets
20) being able to see, hear, walk & talk when I wake up in the mornings
21) my "in-law" (in-love) children
22) a pastor who will not compromise the Word of God when he preaches/teaches
23) my hip surgery last Dec and how well and completely I've recovered
24) the opportunity to work at the Pregnancy Care center and the great people I work with
25) my brand new car--the first brand new car I've ever had in my life
26) my 3 hiking buddies that keep me motivated all summer
27) my YMCA membership
28) technology that allows me to instant-message friends that live far away
29) pizza
30) scented candles
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that the upcoming Christmas season will be a blessed one for you and your families.