Thursday, February 18, 2021


A Rose is a Rose is a Rose...

I've been displaced from my home due to the water in my town being turned off because of the extreme cold temps and the inability of the infrastructure to keep up with the frigid temps.

I'm at my daughter's and I'm bored to tears.  It's too cold to go out to photograph, it's too ugly to go out and photograph and I have no inspiration to photograph.  This is an image from my files from a couple of weeks ago.  I made it into a double exposure and then into a "dreamscape".  It could probably use a little more emphasis on the "dreamy" but this is the best I could force myself to do right now.

I'd like to go to sleep and wake up in a couple of days to an apartment with running water again.  Thank God my power (stove and heat) never went off as it did in so many places in Texas.  One friend hasn't had power for over 60 hours.  Thankfully she has a lot of food staples and a wood burning fireplace in her living room.  

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