I Learned Something Today
What I learned today is that I'll probably NEVER be a surfing photographer.
Now, I've tried this before, and I've never been very successful. But "hope springs eternal" and I keep trying, thinking that I might get the one killer shot. Well, it would be a killer shot for me--have you seen some of those fantastic surfing photos out there???
Whether or not I get that killer shot, it's still fun trying and definitely awesome to be sitting on the beach, in January, wondering if I should have put on the sunscreen, because, maybe after all, the sun might be strong enough to burn me while most of my friends are dealing with snow, wind, sleet, cold temps and dreams of spring, back in NY, and other cold places.
So today I began my jaunt at Laniakea Beach--where I "guard" the turtles. when I'm on guardian duty. I wasn't on duty today, so I was free to wander around and try to get some different shots. Not too successful, but I definitely enjoyed it.

Then I drove along the North Shore to see what the other beaches offered. I arrived at the beach where the PipeLine surfing competition is held, only to find that the surf was BIG
and they were setting up a booth to (I assumed) accommodate the surfer's registrations. The beach was dotted with people watching the waves and the surfers practice. It was one of those truly beautiful days--blue skies, breezy, high surf, perfect temp. and surfers to watch.
I took about a gazillion shots, but considering my lens isn't anywhere near as long as it should be for this kind of activity and that I was hand holding the camera against the wind, I threw most of the shots out and I consider it amazing that I could keep any of them.
The first two images are just waves--if you look for surfers, you won't find them. I was just trying to document the magnitude of the waves, and the beautiful color of the water.

These surfers were much easier to photograph than the ones in the water trying to catch the waves. But since I love people watching, these were fun too.

The last two are the better of the bunch. I'll never be famous for these, but they make me happy.