Saturday, June 24, 2023

Abandoned Mailboxes

The other day I was walking around downtown and I came across these abandoned mailboxes in front of a house that also looked abandoned.  I took a long shot of both, then a closer shot of the mailboxes and I like this one better.  
Whenever I see an abandoned house, whether in the country or within a city/town it makes me so sad.  Just thinking that once upon a time it was probably someone's special home.  Did they raise their children there?  Was it their first home?  Did they have fun decorating it to make it their special place?  Did their children celebrate their high school graduation with a party in the yard?
We'll never know.

Today I'm grateful for:
being able to tell my children about their history and having photos to share with them

1 comment:

Donna said...

How sad...reminds me of broken dreams.
Cool shot though!