Monday, August 07, 2023

Power Grid

On my way home today I drove out of my usual route through a new neighborhood and came across this power grid.  It was the best I could do today.

This evening I was sorting through one of my bookcases with the intention of getting rid of some of the books.  I came across some self-published books that were made from my blog posts in the years 2009, 2010 and 2013.  The name of the company is "Sharedbooks".  It was a very simple process.  After registering, you would indicate the dates you wanted to print and the site would pull all the blog posts of the dates indicated and print them into a book.  The pictures are small, I don't remember there being an option to increase the size, and the text didn't always line up with the pics, but it was a cool way to preserve the blogposts.  

Looking at those books, I was surprised at what I took pics of and the text I included.  These days I'm lucky if I can find anything to photograph and it seems like I have nothing to say.  

I'll have to look and see if the company still exists.  I might get another book made of my more recent posts.  Maybe my kids will be glad to have them.  If not, they can toss them.

I'm grateful today for:
the homemade bread my friend gave me yesterday and the great grilled ham and cheese sandwich I made for lunch today with that bread


Jeanette said...

That is an interesting view of the power grid. I have often thought of turning my blog pages into a book for my kids, but they can access my blog anytime so they can do it someday if they want!

Linda said...

Thanks Jeanette. I agree with you about the book. I had the first few printed for myself, so maybe it wouldn't be worth it to print another. Good point.