Sunday, August 27, 2023

Hiking Gals

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there was a real winter season.  Dead leaves were on the ground and the air was crisp and people needed to wear jackets and other winter clothes.  

I'm beginning to think I'd enjoy being there right now even though I don't love winter.  For the first couple of years we hiked once a week in the Adirondacks, but we stopped when the weather started turning cold.  After a few years we decided to brave the elements and we hiked all year, although in the winter it was mostly on trails (not mountains) and the hikes were shorter.  We used snowshoes or spikes if necessary.  Thinking back on it, those were good days...

I'm grateful for:
those winter hiking memories


Donna said...

Aww! Looks like you ladies had lots of fun treks!

Linda said...

thanks Donna. We really had great times and it was wonderful exercise in beautiful places.