Five years ago, Tina (our hostess) and her husband adopted a little girl from China and it was fun to hear how much her experiences were the same as the characters in the book. After a while, Christine and her dad returned home from an adventure and we got to visit with her before she went to bed. This is Christine and her Dad,

There were only 6 of us at the meeting, but no matter how few of us there are, it's always a good time. This group has been going strong for 29 years, and even though membership has fluctuated up and down and people have come and gone during those years, we've never given up on it. Most of us can honestly say that being part of this group has expanded our horizons in what we read. I know I've read many books I wouldn't have chosen on my own. It's been fun.
This first group shot includes me, and the next one includes Jessica. And yes, we actually do discuss the book--sometimes we get way off track, but someone always pulls us back to the topic on hand. But before and after the discussion, we eat and talk--it's great.
It was a beautiful evening--very much out of character for April in NY, but we all enjoyed it. For the first time we had the chance to sit in Tina's sun room during the discussion.
Our next book is The Luncheon of the Boating Party, by Susan Vreeland, a story about Renoir. We've read one of her other books, and she's a great writer, so this should be fun.
Aloha for now....
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