Last week my sister-in-law called me and asked if I could help her present a slide show to her garden club. Seems she and two other ladies took an overnight bus trip to a a a, can't think of what it's called, but it's a huge indoor greenhouse type building that grows flowers and grass and shrubbery all year long. It was in PA, and they went there on March 1. Nothing outside of the building was blooming, but inside it was really beautiful.
Well, I can't grow anything more complicated than day-lilies, hosta and weeds, so the photos they took were great to look at. Not only that, but all of the ladies in the club have green thumbs so they even know the names of the flowers and plants.
So it got me to thinking about the Tulip Festival that happens every year on Mother's Day weekend in Albany. I've been down there the past two years--not on the weekend of the festival (seems like I'm always busy then), but during the week or two before the festival. The tulips are planted and everything looks spectacular, and it's great for taking photos cause there's hardly anyone there. On the weekend of the festival it's like the sky opens up and drops people all over the place, so getting good, unobstructed photos of the flowers is nearly impossible.
Now that I've run on about the Tulip Festival, I have to confess that none of the following photos were taken there. They're all from various other places where I've seen beautiful flowers and just shot them, not even knowing why, other than they were irresistable.
I'd even be tempted to take a trip like the one mentioned above--not that I want to buy flowers, not that I want to plant flowers, not that I want to weed flowers, but just that I'd love to take photos of them. I'll have to keep my eyes and ears open and hope I can connect with some kind of trip like that.
Enjoy the photos that follow:

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