So..., this morning I arose bright and early...well, actually it wasn't very bright because it was about an hour before sunrise, in order to get to my assigned school for work today. It was up toward the north shore and I had the pleasure of driving up the windward coast. Of course, this route goes through all the little towns that dot the coast through which the speed limit averages 35 mph and sometimes reaches a breath-taking 45 mph (be still, my heart), so it's fairly slow going.
As the sun began to rise, I remembered how beautiful the drive along this road can be, and I was really glad I was assigned to this school. However, as the minutes ticked by, (at a seemingly alarming speed, I might add) I began to get anxious that I wouldn't arrive on time. Sure enough, I got lost. Good grief--how does someone get lost when there's only one road, with an occasional left turn? That's a good question and to answer it I can only say that I can manage to get lost no matter what.
In the process of looking for the road onto which I should turn, I happily chanced upon the Hukilau Cafe. You know, the Cafe made immortal by the movie, "50 First Dates". The Cafe in which Henry first saw and fell in love with Lucy, the Cafe in which Lucy made her waffle houses every day, the Cafe which was only feet from the ocean and had the kind of personality that would attract a country girl like me on a regular basis.
Well, let me tell you that the "real" Hukilau Cafe looks nothing like the movie version. However, it gets rave reviews online, and eating there is on my "to-do-before-I-return-to-NY" list.

So back to my job. I finally found the school about 5 minutes late and immediately called the head photographer on the job. She quickly answered only to tell me that she just found out the job was canceled. I was about speechless, and you know that's saying something for me!
I made the executive decision to make lemonade out of those lemons. On the way home, I stopped at various beaches to take photos (I had cleverly packed my slr in my bag before I left the house this morning), and thoroughly enjoyed myself in spite of the overcast and extremely windy conditions.