Sunday, January 29, 2023

Corner of the Building

Following along with the theme of textures/shadows that I mentioned in the previous post, this brick building corner is a great texture image.  Again, not an especially exciting image for most people, but I love the color grey, I love brick buildings, and there are two shadows across the facade of the building.

As far as selling an image like this, there's just no telling what a buyer is looking for.  I used to be more choosey about the images I offered for sale, but after seeing what people buy (and who knows what they do with the images~~that's not my concern really) I'm more willing to add scenes like this just on the off chance that someone will want it.  

Today I'm thankful for:
all 5 of my grown children being healthy and content

1 comment:

Donna said...

Well, it would indeed be interesting to know what people DO do with what they purchase...
Have a sweet week friend.