Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Alaska State

I saw this wall decor in a coffee shop in Fairbanks,  Alaska.  I've seen it before and I love it.  I don't understand the passion of living permanently in Alaska, but all of the locals seem to have that passion.


Dianna said...

My brother -in-law has a home in Alaska in addition to his home here in West Virginia. He spends about half of the year in Alaska... mainly when the salmon are running. He often speaks of the beauty of nature there. Our son and daughter -in-law tok an Alaskan cruise in June and they said that pictures don't do it justice. I've never been.

Linda said...

In spite of its beauty, Alaska is a tough place to live. Twenty hours of darkness/day during winter with bone numbing cold and twenty-three hours of daylight during the short summer. Some people LOVE calling it home.