Saturday, August 10, 2024

Hat and Scarves

One day, years ago, I walked into a shop in downtown Honolulu and on one of the walls there was a display of 4-5 hats with hanging scarves.  It was really striking and the shop owner was kind enough to let my friend and I take photos of the decor.  
Ever since then I've had this hat and scarves hanging in my bedroom.  The hat was a gift (I don't wear hats) and the scarves were also gifts (I don't use scarves either) and together they make a beautiful wall decor~~at least I think it's beautiful.

It's 8 pm and the temp is still 97 with the forecast of low 100s for the next week.  Ugh.


HappyK said...

A lovely decoration. Hope things cool down for you.

Linda said...

Thank you happyone. This week the forecast is temps in the low 100s. Sigh.

Dianna said...

Oh I like that display! The colors compliment each other!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Nice! I do wear a hat when I am outside! It isn't nearly as pretty as yours:)

Sharon said...

What a lovely sight!