I didn't take any photos at the campus. I did that the first three or four years I attended, but have since decided that I didn't want to schlepp the camera and tripod around campus. It's usually very, very hot and the extra load is depressing.
So, getting back to today. By late afternoon I was getting a little restless, when I remembered that the other day I saw a bird's nest at the corner of the house. So I found a ladder and did my best to get some photos. Unfortunately, the nest is on a 2x4 jutting out from the house, under a slanted roof, so I couldn't get a good vantage point because I couldn't get up high enough to shoot down at the nest.
Mama and papa were flitting around, making all kinds of noise to scare me away during the entire time I was attempting to get situated. Sporadically mama would land on the post of the pool not too far away, so I managed to get a couple of shots of her.
So here are the babies. There are three in the nest. They must be pretty young because, as you can see, they only have a little fuzz on their heads. Now that I think about it, they weren't even making any noise. They were acting really hungry, so I got down off the ladder, sat myself down in a shady spot in the yard and waited for the mama to visit her babies.

I thought I might be able to get a shot of mama on the edge of the nest. Sure enough, she didn't go near the nest--guess I was too close, or too visible. I'll just have to remember to get some more pictures in the next several days. Many years ago I documented another nest and I was astonished at how quickly the babies grew and how soon they were out of the nest.
My short photo expedition did quite a bit to rejuvinate me. It was fun and out-of-the ordinary compared to the kind of work I usually do.
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