Thursday, December 03, 2020


Water Pipes

Today as I was driving to a friend's house, I saw these pipes in the field.  There were a lot of them, so I knew there is some construction in the future, but I wasn't sure what they are actually for.  When I arrived at my friend's house, I asked her if she knew and she said they are water pipes.  So there ya go!

I love the color of these pipes~~it contrasts so nicely with the dead grass and winter landscape.  I only had my phone with me...I've carried my big cameral with me so many times when I never took it out of the bag that I decided to leave it home today.  So naturally a scene presented itself.  

There's a saying that the "best" camera is the one in your hand at any given time, so today my best camera was my phone.  Not usually my camera of choice, but today it worked.

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