Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 14--Packing Again

Tomorrow morning I'm leaving for the far-away exotic destination of.....drumroll please....Amherst, MA. It's time, again, for that awesome weekend of being completely, totally, unabashedly imerged/submerged in all things photographic. The weekend when about 1,100 other people are consumed by the same passion and are actually excited and eager to talk about any and all forms of photography. Be still, my heart!

So even though, in my eagerness, I wanted to pack 5 days ago, common sense reigned. I waited until tonight, because, as you know, if you pack early, the one thing that you're totally convinced you won't need until you arrive at your destination that is stashed at the very bottom of the suitcase, is most definitely the item that you must have, right now!, or the earth will stop spinning. Know what I mean?

But when you pack for two days, it takes, what?, 10 minutes! And you can get the pillow in there too. Nice!


Bridget said...

have a great trip.
hope it is an inspiring conference

trishalyn said...

Wish I was going with you. Have a great time!!!