Saturday, January 15, 2011

Finally, Some Sun

It's been raining a lot lately.  And the forecast is for more rain.  So when the sun was shining today, I decided to head to the beach this afternoon.  I was planning on meeting some friends at the movie theater for the 7:30 show, so I drove downtown late in the afternoon.

I thought I'd miss rush-hour traffic because, I reasoned, I'd be going in the opposite direction.  Fact is...I didn't miss it.  But I made it to the beach in plenty of time. 

Two weddings were taking place on Magic Island.  I just happened to be standing near this one.  The outrigger poking into the groom's back is not acceptable, but when you're being a voyeur and trying to be inconspicuous, you've got to get the shot without being too fussy. 

As I was getting ready to walk back to my car, I turned around and saw the sun setting.  It was one of those times when the sun looked three times larger than it normally does.  I started running to get a better vantage point, but by the time the sun is that close to the horizon, you either take the shot, or you miss it--the sun disappears in just a few seconds.  And the extra complication was that there was a bank of clouds right at the horizon.  Two happy accidents though:  the sky didn't look that golden--the camera did it's magic, and the sailboat floated by at just the right time. 

By the way, the movie I saw was "The Voyage of the Dawn Treader".  Take my advice and go see it.  It was spectacular!!


trishalyn said...

These are GORGEOUS images, Linda!!! The golden colors of the sunset in that last shot are just beautiful! You have a knack of being at the right place at the right time...with your camera! :-)

I can't pin down a favorite, but the white sailboat against a backdrop of buildings, set off by the beautiful blue sky and water is definitely high on my list.

Terrific posting...and thanks for the movie tip, too! :-)

~she~ said... the sailboat sunset and the palm tree pic. I have never been luck enough to see scenery like this in my lifetime. Hopefully some day!

Anonymous said...

Linda These are spectacular..!!!!
I kept choosing my favorite and finely decided I just plain loved them all......the colors and the images are so , so, so....mind blowing....each one a winner....I wanted to be right there in each one....What memories for you...Jean