Sunday, May 01, 2011

Can Anyone Tell Me...?

There are three things that I feel that I absolutely have to have in a car.  Automatic windows, air-conditioning and a radio.  I have all three in my Saab, but the radio seems to be malfunctioning since I returned to NY.  Can anyone tell me why I can't get the Hawaiian Music station?  What's up with that?

Today I attended "The Sound of Music" put on by the local school.  Mace was one of the Von Trapp children.  So glad their last performance was today so I could see it.  Way to go, Mace.


J.L.Velez said...

He looked adorable in those knee socks! I was impressed :0

Anonymous said...

great shots...Mace has really gotten so tall...I am sure you enjoyed the performance...nothing like a proud Grandma....

trishalyn said...

These are wonderful, Linda! I can't believe how tall your grandson has grown. So glad you got home in time to see the performance! :-)