We came home, and I took a nap while the others played scrabble. Then we headed back out to get to Pemaquid Lighthouse before sunset. It was a beautiful day today, and when we got to the lighthouse, the sun was beginning to set. The light was great, a soft breeze was blowing and it was peaceful because there were hardly any people there.
Scott and I wandered around taking photos while Jean sat watching the water and Cindy did a little exploring. As the sun set, the sky turned a beautiful orange at the horizon, and a great collection of clouds made their way across the sky.

As it got darker, the light came on in the lighthouse and I took several shots with and without the light showing from many different vantage points. It wasn't easy to leave--it was so beautiful. But it was getting dark, and the mosquitoes were having a feast, so we packed it up and tried to head home.
I say "tried" because when I turned on the car and tried to back up, I could tell the steering was acting funny. The battery icon was lit on the dashboard, uh oh!!! Scott thought it might be a belt, so I drove down the road anyway because everything else seemed to be working okay, found a local convenience store (Maine style) and asked for help. Sure enough, a belt (can't tell you the name of it) was broken and would have to be replaced. On the way home, my main concern was that the engine would overheat or the battery would go dead and we wouldn't have any lights--wouldn't you know that this would happen on the one and only day we chose to be out after dark!!! Well, to solve the overheating problem, I put the car in neutral and coasted as much as I could.
As we pulled into the driveway, without encountering any further mishaps, Leah called (amazing that I had cell service, because I never have had any at this house before) to tell me that she's made her decision to go into the Peace Corps and spend the next 27 months in Kenya.
So ended another good day!
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