Once upon a time, in a land far away, Christmas dawned bright and clear. The snow on the tree branches glistened in the morning sun and the sky was so blue there could be no description for it. The fluffy white clouds hung in sight waiting for a breeze to move them along.
Briiing, BRiiing, BRIIING!!! Time to get up. (I really don't have an alarm clock--the "briing" is just literary license to make a point)
The dream went up in a poof of reality. Upstate NY. Christmas morning. The normal: gray skies, fog, dirty snow on the roadsides. Oh well.
Christmas is CHRISTMAS no matter what the weather--it's what's in our hearts that really counts. It's loving the LORD for sending His Son to earth for us. Awesome!
So I got out of bed and did all the morning chores: get dressed, make coffee, stoke the fire in the wood furnace, feed the animals, walk the dogs, hauling along my camera to document this less-than-stellar Christmas weather, get a last minute Christmas gift out of the car trunk and hide it, check my email, put the potatoes in the oven to bake so I can make potato skins later, print out a photo gift certificate that I was supposed to give to a client days ago. Okay, okay, so some of those things are not ordinary morning chores, but I did them anyway.
So MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all.

this is an early morning post. I may post another later tonight. Check back just in case I do.