2nd Favorite
My birthday was last August. One of my presents, from Trish, was a birthday dinner. Unbelievably, it took this look to hook up and go out for that dinner. We went to Applebee's, my second favorite place to eat out, Olive Garden being my first favorite. (thank goodness there isn't an Olive Garden around here, I might never leave). Phil joined us and we had a nice time catching up with each other's lives and family happenings.

Thanks Trish!!!

Backing up a little, on my way to meet my friends for dinner, I passed a motel and saw this sign. I already felt that I was late and as I slowly passed the sign, my brain had an argument with itself. You know, the kind that goes:
"Isn't that cute, I should get a photo of it".
"But you're already late and you don't want to make them wait any longer"
"But it will be dark on the way home and you'll miss your chance".
"But the traffic is heavy and it will take too long to turn around and then get back onto the road"
So I did.
Do you get it? It took me about two split seconds. It's not a license plate, but I also have a collection of funky signs, and that's where it will go. Words are so great and I wish I could play with them like this sign maker did.