Thursday, January 26, 2012

Something You Made

My "home" for the next 3 months is a very small house (1200 sq feet).  Needless to say, there isn't much room inside for anything extra.  So when I borrowed a sewing machine to work on some projects, I had to give a lot of thought as to where I was going to set up my sewing area.  There didn't seem to be any solution until I looked out the door at the lanai.  Bingo!!! 

So although I didn't really photograph "something I made", this is the area in which those "somethings" will be made.  Not bad.


Anonymous said...

Now That's a room one dreams of.. I would be out there all the time...

trishalyn said...

As I write this, it's snowing and cold outside at your "real" home. The sewing room at your current home is beautiful, but looking at it is like rubbing salt in the wound. COL!

Enjoy paradise!!! :-)

P.S. I like the new additions to your license plate collection!