(late post for Thursday)
Drive north on the beautiful NY Northway to exit 28. Turn left onto route 74, go several miles to the Putnam Pond Campground. Drive around in circles several times looking for the Treadway Mt. trailhead. Finally stop and ask...

Put on the hiking boots, grab the backpacks and walking sticks and get ready...
Stop for lunch at the foot of a small waterfall, listen to the sweet sounds of the woods and the fall of the water....
Start hiking again through the beautiful woods
Scratch your head when you come across this scene of two arrows with no directions written on the sign...
And finally arrive at the summit. Hike distance: almost 8 miles. Ascent: 900 feet. Trail: one of the prettiest so far this summer. Weather conditions: PERFECT, sandwiched in between two miserable, rainy days.
Pharaoh Lake in the distance.