Tomorrow, September 30, is the last day of our year-long "Photo a Day Challenge". Wow. It's been a long, long year. Sometimes it's been fun, sometimes frustrating, sometimes downright aggravating. But it has always been worth it.
This challenge has stretched my imagination, my patience, my creativity and my tenacity. I have often joyfully embraced the obligation to find a daily photograph, and just as often I have wanted to toss the camera across the room in frustration. I've photographed some exciting events and some completely mundane objects. Usually the images have been of subjects somewhere between the sublime and the ridiculous.
One of the major benefits of this challenge has been watching the growth and creativity of my fellow "challenge" partners. It's been a joy and inspiration to see your work each day and to see how you've grown as photographers throughout the year.
So I thank you, my friends, for joining in on this challenge. I'll miss your daily postings, but hopefully we'll all continue to post at least once, if not more, a week.
It will be interesting to see where we go from here. It's very true that when one door is closed, another opens. I'm excited to see what doors open for each of us. God bless you all on your travels through those doors.
Speaking of travels, my baby is on his way.

His bed is empty every night.
His desk stays clean and neat--no computer or dirty dishes.

He's on his way to Alaska. Some new doors are opening for him. God bless you, Caleb.