Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday, Jan 18, 2008

I'm writing this a day late, but I didn't want to not write. Yesterday, Thursday the 17th, I just hung around the house in the morning. The plans were to meet Leah around 6 at her apt. for pizza and TV.

I decided to go to a Botanical Garden in Honolulu in the afternoon before going to Leah's place. It was really beautiful--everything is so different from what I'm used to in the northeast. There weren't too many flowers, but I managed to get some images of a few of them that I'm pretty happy with.

I don't know the names of the three flowers above because there were no name plates, but I thought they were really pretty. The bottom one, that looks like a white puff-ball, was in red also.

Strange sign to see in a Botanical Garden, but it was posted right in front of a, guess what, CannonBall Tree. Okay! Very interesting. I didn't see any fall while I was there though.

This is just a portion of the Cannonball Tree. It was quite large, and getting the whole thing in the photo would have diminished the effect of the cannonballs.

These red leaves were part of a huge hedge kind of plant. They were really beautiful--the color is so intense. No name for this either.

This image of leaves was my attempt at patterns. They were really beautiful too. Very sturdy and the bush/tree was quite large.

Well, after that (the Botanical Gardens closed at 4) I thought I'd go to a beach and get some sun. Well the traffic proved to be a real hindrance to that. While I was driving, Leah called and said she was stuck in traffic and what in the world was going on? I had heard that somebody had thrown a toddler off a foot-traffic overpass and they had closed the highway for 3 1/2 hours to investigate. Traffic everywhere was practically at a standstill.

So by the time I decided that the beach wasn't a good idea, it took me forever to get back to the supermarket, and by the time I was done there it was time to go to Leah's.

The incident was very sad. EVERYONE was talking about it. Some guy had abducted a toddler from his neighborhood and ... well I said it before.

Leah and I had a nice time. The pizza was good (even though it was frozen), and we had Caeser Salad and then ice-cream for dessert. Yum. The shows were re-runs, but they're my favorite shows so I didn't mind too much.

Will post today's activities in the morning.

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