Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's Wed, Jan 9 and I'm on my way. Right now I'm sitting in the Denver airport waiting for my seriously delayed plan. It's been so hectic so far, that I'm not sorry for the down-time.

To start with, I almost missed my plan in Albany, of all places. Long lines to get through security and when they paged my plane, the guard let any of us on that flight go through ahead of everyone else. But one good thing!!! I packed correctly this time, and remembered everything after it all went through the scanner. Of course I had to run like a banshee to get to my gate--I didn't know the Albany airport was SO big. Anyway, it was one of those little planes that you have to go down a flight of stairs to get out of the terminal and then go into the plane up an absurdly narrow flight of stairs. So I struggled with my carry-ons, totally exhausted, only to find out that it was the wrong plane.

It was the one right in front of the terminal gate, but mine was off to the side. So, down the steps I go, run across the tarmac, and struggle up another flight of steps about 1 1/2 feet wide. Whew.

Okay, that was done.

Let me back up though. When I was checking in in Albany, the machine wouldn't print my luggage tags. I'm not worried, the counter person will do it, right? She also doesn't know why they wouldn't print. Oh, you mean just because I only have NINE minutes to change planes in Seattle, the machine thinks that will be a problem? Go figure.

So the counter person re-routed me--God bless her. That's why I'm in Denver instead of Seattle. Works for me. So instead of arriving in Honolulu at 4:15, I'll get there at 6:15 unless the plane is delayed more.

Enough for now.

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