An awesome couple from church (not that there's anyone from church that isn't awesome!) took me to Bellows Beach today. On the windward side of the island, it's a public/military beach which means that the first part of it, as you drive along the road, is open to the public (but only on weekends), and the second part of it is restricted to military. Because Britt is military, I was able to accompany them to this very beautiful beach for the first time ever.

When I see nature like this that looks so surreal, I wonder how evolutionists can explain the complex beauty. What accident could result in these wondrous sights?
It was cool, very windy and as you can see, somewhat hazy, but we marveled at the allure of the beach and we sat there for several hours enjoying each other's company and appreciating the blessing of just being there for the afternoon. We even saw a small wedding taking place.
I spent some time walking along the beach looking for tattoos and whatever else looked photogenic.
I finally found a tattoo. There weren't many in sight today, but the weather didn't encourage the crowds and bare arms that are normally at this beach, so I hear.
These are breathtaking, Linda! You sure captured some awesome images of paradise!!! (And here I was, so excited about a 70 degree day yesterday, while you were enjoying this beautiful beach in paradise). My only "complaint" is that I can't enlarge them to enjoy their beauty to the fullest. You'll have to show them all to us when you get home.
great photos of a spectacular beach. Another nice tat pic as well. You are going to miss all these tan people. I wonder if tats look as nice on white, pastey skin?
I too wish I could enlarge your pictures. The beauty of that beach needs to be experienced full scale:) Great shots and the tatoo was pretty great too with the background of the beach!
first of all,best tatoo yet!!!
love the background,the partial of the face and of course the tatoo itself.
the beach images are also terrific.i really like the way you had a short foreground in one and a long foreground in the other.
very nice:)
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