Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday's Assignment
(compliments of Steve)

"The assignment is....... EYE LEVEL You need to shoot an image (object, room, whatever) at EYE LEVEL from the perspective that you see that image daily. If you are sitting on the couch, standing as you cook, eating dinner at the table, wherever you are doing whatever you routinely do, shoot an image from where your eyes are at that time. With the image, also explain where you are and what you are doing when you "see" this image most days of your life. You can zoom in, out, blur, photoshop, etc., but the camera has to be at your eye level."

All I have for a calendar is my small jewel case calendar which sits on a shelf and leaves no room to write. I also have a pocket calendar which is always in my purse. So in order to remember the things I have to do/want to do, I came up with a Post-It solution. (Gotta love those Post-Its--next best thing to velcro and zip lock baggies.)

I write the events/dates on Post-Its and stick them to the closet door, which happens to be a mirror. I have to look right at the door, and walk past it every time I leave my room, so I figured this would be a good way to keep my "schedule" in front of my face. In my life, if it isn't written down, it usually doesn't exist. This system has been working well so far.

Posted at 1:15 pm on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2009


Bridget said...

ahh the old post it note.
how did we manage without them.
i love the slightly mussed bed with a few scattered's so cozy and so real.

J.L.Velez said...

I also love the reflective quality of this photo. There's so much going on in it and yet it is very simple:) Great picture!

trishalyn said...

I can't wait to see those sunset photos! :-) I barely remember life before Post-Its. How DID we survive? You sure get an "A" for this assignment...nice photo and great explanation! I loved seeing a glimpse of your life in Hawaii, too.