Chinese New Year Parade
Today was a big parade in Chinatown. It was a beautiful day. I met up with some other photographers, and then unfortunately we all went our separate ways and I didn't see them again for the rest of the afternoon. As crowded as it was, it was probably a good thing that we didn't try to stay together.
We did, however, head to a less crowded spot to take a group shot before we separated. When I crossed the street, this little boy getting a haircut was the first thing I saw. I just couldn't resist.
We did, however, head to a less crowded spot to take a group shot before we separated. When I crossed the street, this little boy getting a haircut was the first thing I saw. I just couldn't resist.

This beautiful little girl had a handful of those Pop It fire crackers and she was really concentrating on getting just one at a time to throw on the ground.
This is the mayor, (of Honolulu I guess) and the girl standing next to me brought him over so she could have her mother take a photo of them together.
And who could resist these two???
And then here's the group shot we began the afternoon with.
Posted at 8:20 pm on Sat, Jan 24, 2009
Awesome...and I enlarged all of them for maximum enjoyment!!! Every one of them is eye-catching. Haircut image is the composition and the little boy's expression, but he appeared too soft. (Maybe my eyes? Or my computer screen?). My favorite...and I absolutely love this the little girl concentrating on the "Pop It" firecrackers. She is sharply focused, and the crowd is blurred slightly, but enough of a distinction to make your subject stand out. Also, the lighting is beautiful and you've captured a precious expression on her face. I really, really love that one! The two little princesses are sweet, too...but they look so sad! The orange dragon is my favorite of the parade images. The colors really pop! Did you take all of these with your point-and-shoot? Or did you borrow Chelsea's camera? Great job...I really enjoyed all of them!!!
Great Job capturing the fun of the parade and day's festivities. I agree with what Trish said. She noted all that I would as well. I like the angle you shot the Mayor, unfortunate about his hands but we can't stage everything!
Wow! What a great day for photographs! I love the Mayor and the angle of the photo, the colors of the orange dragon, the little girl concentrating on her poppers! Fantastic shots, very full of life!
looks like you had a great day!
i love the image of the boy getting his hair cut and the little girl with the poppers!
i am wondering about your camera situation also.
i am impressed with your go for it attitude in a strange place no less.
really nice,really beautiful. The expression of the two children's hands!
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