Sunday, January 11, 2009

"Doors" It Is!

So as usual, I spent most of the morning trying to figure out what to photograph for our mini-assignment "doors". And, as usual, I kept drawing a blank. And, again as usual, I kept putting off doing the assignment, until I decided to just get up and do something.

I started at the front door, but I wasn't too excited by what I was getting.

Then I decided to walk around to the front of the garage, hoping against hope that there would be something there. There wasn't. But....what about the car door? Still nothing too interesting until I thought about shooting through the car.

Well, what I like best about these shots isn't the door itself, but the environment in which the door is situated.

So, stepping out of the assignment for a moment, here's a shot to prove that I really am in Hawaii. Steve, this one's for you.

Posted at 8:30 pm on Sat. Jan 10, 2009


trishalyn said...

I love that third image, Linda...the one with the closed car door. It was clever to keep part of that plant inside the car. I'm having difficulty explaining this, but I think the inside plant compositionally balances the image and brings it all together. I love the reflection of the plant in the car mirror, too. The car door itself almost looks like a cartoon...and I don't mean that in a negative way. Even enlarged, the car door looks "different"...can't quite explain it. But I love the silver/gray color of the door contrasting with the green foliage. Whew...I just wrote a book on this one image, didn't I? Ha! Also loved the last I know for sure that you're really in Hawaii! :-)

Bridget said...

oh are in hawaii!
nice images.i like the first but the images through the car door are really nice.
the beach shot is esoecially appealing since we got another 6 inches of snow last night:)
i hope you are enjoying your stay

philmary said...

These I have to study some more.

I have seen paintings like the 3rd image:lush irradescent vegetation mixed with flat mechanical and figure structures

Oh I know where,Henri ,Rosseau was the first with this style in the 19th century .. Look up "The Dream","Horse attacked by Jaguar"

Still not quite it

J.L.Velez said...

I too really enjoyed the third one where it looked like the foliage was sort of taking over the car. That was a very creative shot. Secretly, I was wondering who, if anyone, would think of the car door in their post and you and Trish both did and the result images were fantastic. I never doubted you were in Hawaii:) Just wish I was there too!
P/S you'll be happy to know that my mom said today that "Linda said you should have three objects in the frame!"

Anonymous said...

i loved hawaii, when i went almost 5 yrs ago!....dreaming of the day when i can return.

Framing Images and Memories said...

THANK YOU!! I was starting to worry about you...warmth, sand, sun, girls...I want to come visit!