During the day, I took Tyson and Gabby to the playground so April could take a nap when her 1 1/2 year old was sleeping. Then we went back to the house and I tried to get Tyson to nap. HA!!! He finally did but it was too late for me to lay down because the other baby was just beginning to wake up. Oh. My. Gosh!!! I so DON'T miss those days.
This was one of the loooonnngest days I've had in a long time, and here I am posting to this blog just so I can maybe win a dumb trophy. So here was the trade off--waking up at 5:30 am and babysitting all day in Hawaii, or sleeping in till, hmmm, maybe 7 am, to a snowstorm and being stuck in the house all day in NY. No contest, dontcha think?

PS. I just realized that because I didn't change the time on my computer, and don't plan to, that all of my posts will be uploaded according to NY time. Therefore, just to eliminate any confusion on the part of my NY blogger buddies, I will include the time in the body of each post. I know Steve is so competitive that he might just debate whether I've posted on time or not. (Just kidding Steve). For example, right now it's 9:25 pm on Wed.
Great portraits, Linda! Tyson is cute as a button, and Gabby is adorable! I love her expression as she's clinging to the bars. You captured both children beautifully!!!
That picture of Gabby is wonderful. Sounds like you had a busy day and you need a N-A-P. Remember when we used to spell things out so the kids wouldn't know what we were talking about? Like C-O-O-K-I-E...of course eventually they figured it out:)
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