The Day of Infamy
A friend of mine arrived on Oahu last summer. Her husband is military. Their home is on Ford Island which contains military housing.
A little before 8:00 am, Hawaiian time, Sunday, December 7, 2008, she was getting her children ready for church. While finding wayward shoes, stacking breakfast dishes in the sink, putting water in the dog's dishes, she was thinking, "another beautiful day", when she heard something that sounded very out of place. She paused. Planes? Ford Island is not near the airport.... "There shouldn't be any planes flying near here!" The sound got louder....
It was a fly-by in honor of Pearl Harbor Day. It occurred to her that on Dec. 7, 1941, families on Ford Island and all around Pearl Harbor had begun their day exactly as she had, but for them,
8 am signaled the end of the world as they new it, actually the end of the world as any of us knew it. The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!
Ford Island, today, contains several landmarks from that horrific event. I was privileged to be there this morning with Chelsea and Jackie to photograph some of those landmarks. This is the original tower that was in operation on that day (and the one seen in "Pearl Harbor").

This is the other side of the building at the base of the tower.

Original bullet holes in the glass of this hangar.

The USS Missouri. The ship on which the surrender of Japan, and the end of WW II took place. There is even a plaque in the wooden deck of the ship indicating exactly where the table stood on which the surrender was signed. (The ship was in Tokyo Bay at the time of the signing)

Another photo day where there are way too many images to post.
P.S.--check yesterday's post--I added some text.
Posted at 6 pm on Sat., March 21, 2008