Wednesday's Photo
I spent the afternoon at Chelsea's. While Tyson was getting his bath, I tried getting some photos of him in the water, but for some reason he was pretty unhappy during his bath time tonight. But I got this great shot of him wrapped in his towel.

These next two images are from yesterday. I went to Shark's Cove just to be at the beach. I got a real treat because the surf was pretty big (even though it doesn't look like it in the first image), so I was able to get some "crashing waves" images.
beautiful shots of the cove but.....oh that baby!
another beautiful portrait.
Great beach images...and what an adorable baby (your photo is wonderful, too)!!! :-)
That was an enormous waves! I like how it lite up by the sun light showing through the sea green on the waves. Pretty awesome against the dark grey sky on the background. Striking shot!.
I love the wave shot too. Im also amazed at the height. Terrific job.
Amazing the power of that water! Great shots and Tyson is adorable as ever!
Waves so clear and bright ..Like some of your other shots blow up has a iridescent quality >This is color right ? I has the drama of B&W but also contains a green in the water that has a powerful effect
Hi Linda,
Sandy loves this photo of the
waves! ( I miss you mom!!! )
Love, Sandy
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