No images of hands today, even though that was the assignment. Sorry Bridget. My plan A didn't pan out and I had absolutely NO plan B, C, D or following.
And I did take this photo today, honestly and truly, even though it looks like any one of the myriad of similar photos that I've taken at this beach in the past three months.
Another cloudy, dreary (but warm and beach-worthy) day. This was my last day of honu duty. Nary a one to be seen on the beach during my morning shift, even though there were several swimming around in the surf much to the frustration of the tourists.

(The other volunteers and I were discussing the weather. We decided that a gray dreary winter day on the beach is better than a sunny winter day almost anywhere else).
Posted at 6:20 pm on Thursday, April 9, 2009
here,here for the winter day at the beach :)
Aaaaah, the I love it! Really liked the layers created by the sand, water, and sky. Inclusion of people made for an interesting image. Know you'll miss your honu duty.
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