I managed to get this image at 11:50 pm on Tuesday for Tuesday. Close call.
The post office did a quirky thing. They are supposed to forward regular subscription magazines. During the past three months, I received several in Hawaii, but I knew I wasn't getting all of them.
Sure enough, when I arrived home to a huge stack of mail that wasn't forwarded, these magazines were included in the bunch. They sure will keep me busy for a while. It's a good thing cause I was wondering what I'd do with my free time now. (just in case you're not sure, that's a joke y'all--the words "free time" and my name in the same sentence are often an oxymoron)

Posted 11:55 pm on Tuesday, April 14, 2009
We've been checking your blog to be sure you arrived home safely. Played bookworm today to redeem myself from my dismal performance on Sunday night. I was stunning! ;-D
Glad you are home and I look forward to reading your future blogs.
With breezy alohas,
Betty for the Bs
Welcome home!!!!
welcome home.
enjoy your reading.
The others took the words right out of my mouth! Glad you made it home safely!!! :-)
I wish I could read your photoshop magazines. I love reading those magazines. It looks interesting. Welcome home!
Welcome home. I thought of you every time I used the Rebel and the lens you sold me..Being back could you help me pick out a digital body that would go with that lens?
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