Flat Tire!!
I had some errands to do this morning before I went to work at the church. I stopped, for the first time since it opened, at Target. Love that store. Then I had to go to Price Chopper across the road, but when I backed the car out of the parking spot, I thought something felt/sounded strange. Being the typical naive woman that I am, I just toodled across the road, but by the time I pulled into the parking spot, I definitely
knew there was something wrong--and it just had to be a flat tire. Nothing else would have felt/sounded like that. Sure enough!!! There it was--a whopping flat tire.
Oh well, flat tire or not, I had to get some things from the store, so I went in and got the things I needed. When I came out it was pouring rain and I wasn't too happy about having to change the tire in the rain. I thought I'd go across the road to the nearest gas station, then thought twice about it, convinced that if I did that I would irrepairably damage the tire or something. As I stewed over my options, eureka!! (love that word) I remembered that I have a road service, and that it's paid up. What a concept.
So I happily called them, they dispatched Dudka's and I sat and waited. No book to read, no mess in my purse to clean out, no journal to write in, no more shopping that needed to be done. Sigh. What to do while I waited? You know, "Idleness is the devil's workshop" and all that stuff. Suddenly, eureka!! I remembered my camera was in my purse. So I spent about 15 minutes trying to be creative.

So, the guy said he could take the tire, which had captured a screw in the tread and needed a plug, to the shop and I could pick it up later. Hooray! I went off to work, feeling good about the fact that I could get the tire put back on later and then head off to Albany, where I needed to do two fairly important errands. NOT!!!
By the time I was ready to leave for Albany, stopping first to get my tire replaced, it was SNOWING!!!! ARGH!!!!! I keep asking myself and other people, what the heck to we live in upstate NY for? Why do we subject ourselves to this C R A P P Y winter weather??? In case you're not clear about my feelings about winter yet, let me tell you. I HATE IT!!!
So when I called Dudka's, the owner said he wasn't sure if the tire had been repared yet, and all his guys were out on calls and I should call back in 1/2 hour. Okay--back to the computer to play solitaire for 1/2 hour, watching the snow come down in bigger, heavier flakes, and despairing that I wouldn't make it to Albany today. I was right. By the time I went to get the tire, the snow was already collecting on the roads. No traveling for me today.
So now I'm home, sitting in my cozy living room, gnashing my teeth over the inconveniences of winter in the northeast, but also counting my blessings. The tire got fixed, I made it to work, I got home safe and sound, my kids are all home safe (wherever home is for them), the house is nice and warm, the chili is bubbling on the stove, God is still in control and on His throne and I have hopes that I can get to Albany tomorrow afternoon and complete my projects there.