Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Can Somebody Tell Me Where the Switch Is??

Driving home this afternoon, my mind was spinning with thoughts that rambled and tumbled all over each other. The thoughts were random. No logic, no order, so no wonder my night time dreams are so quirky. "Where is the Off switch?", I wondered. I would so love to feel like I was in control of what's going on in my brain.

For example, on the drive home, "I'm so tired of this long drive just to get home, wish I lived closer to town, but then I wouldn't be able to see this beautiful countryside every day, oh look at the light from the sun, it sure is gorgeous, too bad the sun will be setting sooner each day, oh dear, the clocks will be going back pretty soon, wonder how the trip to the apple orchard will go tomorrow, boy look at the sun on the grass, wow, that field was just mowed and get that smell, new mown grass is the best smell in the world, no maybe it's fresh hay, whoops I think it's puppy breath, (I remember when I said that to someone and they said ick), wonder what scents my friends like best, maybe I should post that question on my blog and on and on and on.

So......... that's my question, what is your favorite one, two, three or more favorite scents?

Okay, I had to go out again after dinner and I managed to get a shot of this barn about three minutes before the sun went below the tree line. I love this scene and the light is wonderful.

While waiting for someone in town, I looked across the street and saw this great fence, with a big old brick house off in the distance. All the rest of the fence was in good shape, but I love the disorder of this small section. It's a little soft because I had it on a high iso and it was pretty dim and I had to hand hold the camera.


J.L.Velez said...

I love the soft dim lighting of your subjects! Your comments remind me perfect of my own brain, which is constantly jumping from thought to thought. So much so, that when my boyfriend asks what I'm thinking, I can't give him an answer because 12 random thoughts just crossed my mind!

Framing Images and Memories said...

Great images. The lighting is just right to add warmth and interst to the scene. The fence, too, has character. Scents... humidity, wet forests, beef stew. Weird huh.

trishalyn said...

Love the barn photo - great composition, lovely light - beautiful image! The fence photo is interesting...I like the angle of view. Great commentary, too!

J.L.Velez said...

oops, forgot...scents: autumn air first thing in the morning, evergreens, apples, and rain

Dana said...

I love that there are women like you that take the time to stop and take a picture of something that hundreds of people drive past everyday and never pay attention to certain things because they are in too much of a hurry in life. for what it puzzles me. Thanks for letting us take a moment to breath and enjoy. It is so nice to get off that Merry-go-Round sometimes and just explore this colorful world of ours. It is a joy to visit your blog. Thanks so much~ Dana