**They'll remember you if you're the best reader in class--or if you throw up at lunch.
**Don't jump out of the apple tree with cardboard wings.
**It doesn't matter how fast you're running with the football if you're going in the wrong direction.
I hope you enjoy the images-I-see as I travel through this life. Each day is a blessing, and this blog is an attempt to document the extraordinary as well as the very often mundane events and sights that I'm privy to every day.
She decided to help mommy peel potatoes. She actually did quite a good job considering she's only 4.5. Nice going Lauren.
So after preparing some food to take to a friend's today, we set out in the car. We didn't exactly go through the woods, but we did go over the river, and it wasn't "grandma's house" we wound up at, but a good friend's.
It was a good day.
So the new toy is a fish-eye lens for my digital camera. It's not the same as it was for the film cameras. But with careful composition and cropping, it can still be fun. The first image is what you get with the lens. The second image is the cropped version.
Oh, by the way! I won, but only by 6 points. It was a good game.
I was very excited about having a new gadget for my camera. But, after showing me how to get it together, Tom said, "so can you leave your camera for a few days so we can clean your sensor?" (they also had to order the gadget to clean my very dirty sensor, and it also just came in.) Oh. My. Gosh! I didn't know I'd have to leave the camera, I thought they could do it then and there, kind of like an out-patient situation. But no, I had to leave it there. Okay! I'll just use my other camera.
Oooops. Can't do that 'cause the lens is a different size and NONE of the adapters will fit it, not even the one I had to pay extra for. Sigh. So instead of posting a photo taken WITH the new "toy", you're getting a photo OF the new "toy".
Patience is a virtue.
Anyway, she was enamored of the post it pad on the counter, and decided to use it to decorate my fridge. Pictures, words, designs. I didn't have the heart to remove them.
If you're interested in finding out more about the ministry of Samaritan's Purse, go to the website on the above poster: www.samaritanspurse.org
I once heard a story told by a guy who was a musician, and a pretty popular one at that. He was also an inspirational speaker, and was invited to speak at seminars all over the world. He was probably in his late 30s at the time. He was also fairly short. One day he met an old acquaintance who jokingly made a comment about his height. This musician/speaker/father/husband immediately became that short/insecure/unhappy little boy he was in school. Wow. We never get over it, do we?
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just "Shout it out" like the commercial says. I don't mean literally "shout", just figuratively. Be gone!! feelings of insecurity, be gone!! thoughts of inadequacy, be gone!! demon telling me that I can't sing/dance/write/tell jokes/photograph/draw/paint/mother/cook/drive/ski/whatever it is you love to do and do well, as good or better than the next person. Just dab on the cleanser, rub it around a little, wash and the pain is gone.
When we arrived home, I got the idea to make meat sauce to go with hot dogs for dinner tonight, and then I started thinking about "comfort foods", like chili, stew, homemade soups, brownies, pizza, hot tea (when I have a sore throat), open-face grilled cheese, ice-cream. Lately I've realized that everyone has a different list of comfort foods, so I guess your list will depend on your situation as you were growing up.
So after warming up a little (we've had the wood furnace off for the past few days due to the balmy temps, and my husband just got it going again today after we returned home from church), and after watching a moving and trying to nap--I say "trying" because between the dogs and my husband, there's nothing sacred in the let's-be-quiet-because-mom-is-trying-to-nap department, I got the idea to make brownies. Not just plain brownies either, but brownies with chocolate chips in them, thank you very much! Yuuummmm. Comfort food.
While they were baking, my son and I played several games of Boggle. Now THERE'S a "comfort game" if there ever was one. I'm sure some of you are saying, "What's Boggle?" and others are saying,"I HATE that game!~!" Okay, what I want to know is this. How in the world does Boggle stay in business? I think I know only 2 people who can even tolerate the game, let alone like it. I LOVE IT! I love words, and anything having to do with words, why. won't. anyone. play. Boggle. with. me??? To be fair, I have one friend who will play the game with me because she loves me and wants me to enjoy myself, but she usually manages to get about three words during each round, then I feel bad for making her play and we switch to something else. She's a good sport about it, though. My daughter will occasionally play with me, and she usually tromps my butt. However, she's in Kenya now and it will be a loooong time before she returns. My one friend practically strangles me if I even mention the game in front of her.
So now that I've had my comfort food and my comfort game for the day, and I didn't have to go out again this afternoon, it's all good. Thank God for food, shelter and family. And "comfort".
I managed to get some shots of my baby while at the birthday party. It took some cajoling, but I managed to get one or two decent images. I think it was just a few months ago that he was in diapers, and look what happened!! He had the nerve to grow up, get his license, graduate from high school, buy his own vehicle and start college. hmmmm. I do remember telling him, when he was 6, not to get any older. He refused to listen to me, darn kid.
So yesterday, Mackenzie's younger brother, Jacob received an award in school. It was too cute.
As I walked out of the kitchen into the meeting room, my friend and her daughter walked through the door. Before anyone could get out a word, my friend announced, "I can't help it, she dressed herself." Well, how could I resist of shot of this elegant outfit and adorable face?
So I did. It wasn't too cold or crowded. It WAS worth it, it wasn't too boring, I got a great spot. And it didn't rain. Hooray for me and for all those in the parade. The biggest problem??? Just like yesterday--which photos to post??? since there were quite a few I like.
So this is what you get, like it or not.
Funny thing, though. The images I thought I would really like, I didn't, and some of the ones I thought would be ho-hum, I really love. As one of the other members said, the hardest part about the trip tonight is picking out which few to post.
My favorite music is Country, and one of my favorite artists is Conway Twitty, and coincidentally, one of my favorite songs of his is "It's Only Make Believe".
The song was on this great jukebox, only one of an entire collection that was breath-taking.
Four of us went out for dinner after the shoot. We had a great time, as we always do. Great evening--friends, cameras, photo ops, food, conversation--what more could we ask for?
When they were done, I asked if I could take a group photo. Not a problem. Look at these adorable faces!
I'll probably never get the answers to these questions, but it's fun trying to piece together the situation of another person's life.
I especially love this one below. It's the one that caught my eye first, and then I noticed the others when I got out of the car.
I love being surprised by the little things that come into my life and make me laugh. I wonder if those people who were selling those pumpkins know how they brightened the day of the travelers driving by?
It's been a couple of years since my last "new" prescription, so I'm a happy camper.
Flying the American flag upside down is traditionally considered a sign of distress, as it is with all national flags. The signal is one that was used primarily in past centuries, pre 1900s, on the high seas by military and merchant marine vessels alike. While the U.S. Flag Code does permit flying the flag with the union down, it specifies only ...as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.
In recent times some have interpreted this in a much broader manner and have come to use it as a political statement, instead of a true S.O.S., which it was originally intended for.
see sidebar for SOS
So on the way to work this morning I stopped to vote. I knew the workers and almost every one who came in. It took about 2 minutes for my turn, and I was on my way.
After I got home this afternoon, we headed over to the church hall for the customary election day pancake dinner. (remember I said it's the best one in the area--they kept their honor, it was great)
It was awesome--I met a bazillion people I knew but hadn't seen in a loooong time. How fun. So it was a good day--of course, you have to understand that I still haven't seen the news, and I have not idea how the election is going. I'm going to stay oblivious until tomorrow...
I'm terrified! I don't even think I'll watch the news on Tuesday evening. I will vote in the afternoon, go with my family to the local pancake supper (which is held every election day and is the best one in the area) and then I'll take my laptop up to my room and watch a chic flick. One more night of a peaceful/hopeful mind won't be a bad thing. If things continue to go the way they appear to be headed now, it will be 4 years of aggravation and terror!
Before I actually got out of bed this morning, I was thinking about history, in the generic sense. We, all the people in the United States, are living an historic moment. Whomever wins this election WILL MAKE HISTORY! If Obama wins, it will be the first time a BLACK has held office as President, and if McCain wins, it will be the first time a WOMAN has held office as v-President. Whomever your candidate of choice is, whether he wins or not, this is the time to realize that you've lived to see an amazing thing come to pass and that God's will is being done--no one gets into office, anywhere, outside of the will of God--that's my only consolation if the election goes, in what I consider, the wrong way.
In the past, when I was in school and all the time between then and now, I've taken those "history-making" moments in stride and for granted. But this...this is HUGE! This will be one of those dates in the history books, almost an icon--kind of like Pearl Harbor, Kennedy's assasination, landing on the moon, the destruction of the Twin Towers, etc.
I think it's another reason to be very proud of living in the United States and being an American.
(Part II) 2:45 pm
I was looking through a little book I have entitled, "Really Important Stuff my Kids Have Taught Me". I bought it years ago and every once in a while I look through it. I came across the word "muse". Just to be absolutely sure of the meaning, I looked it up: one definition--"to ponder, consider or deliberate at length", another--"Muse: (Greek Myth.) any of the nine daughters of Zeus, each of whom presided over a different art or science. And yet another--a source of inspiration, esp. of a poet.
I love this word, I guess I'll have to begin a sidebar entry on "words I love". Anyway, here are a few things this author has been "taught" by her kids:
**If it hurts, stop doing it
**If you don't run, you won't trip, but you may never get there.
**One hundred times is not too many if it's your favorite book.
Oh my gosh, we should all start thinking a little more like "kids"....
Part III
It's 7:30 pm now, and this will be my last post of the day. Susie Homemaker and Hattie Housekeeper came by today. We had a nice visit. I can see out of the living room windows now, there will be dessert tonight, the cat can now get in her litter box, and we're no longer tripping over the dust balls in the hall. Those ladies worked their butts off today and I commend their efforts.
The news is on right now, and my stomach is beginning to hurt. I'm glad I already decided to watch a movie tomorrow night...